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Environmental Monitoring and Reconstruction (EnMaR)


The Environmental Monitoring and Reconstruction (EnMaR) group EnMaR Logostudies modern and ancient environments - from the tropics to the polar regions. Our research extends from the deep ocean to the atmosphere, via field, laboratory and modelling-based projects across the globe. We seek answers to fundamental global questions about climate and the environment. Our research is transdisciplinary, yet focused around three interlinked themes: 

  • Reconstruction of past environmental and climate changes from seasonal to millennial and million-year timescales, using diverse biological and geochemical proxies, including pollen, diatoms, dinoflagellates, stable isotopes and biomarkers.
  • Synthesis of data on past climates and environments to improve numerical models.
  • Monitoring of air quality, water quality and contaminated land, and assessment of the associated risks to human health.

Our research involves projects across the globe, with research in every continent and in all environments including marine, lacustrine, subterranean, palustrine and continental settings. We study ocean, lakes, rocks, coastal wetlands and tidal marshes, peatlands, permafrost, coral reefs, ice sheets, snow, rivers as well as urban areas. Fundamental research questions of our team include:

  • What drove past changes in the Earth’s climate and how did ecosystems and humanity adapt?
  • How do people live with environmental pollution?
  • What is the influence of the inner continents on atmospheric circulation?
  • How do we ensure reforestation are efficient in terms of carbon capture? 

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