Design & Semantics of Form & Movement

DeSForM 2019 BEYOND INTELLIGENCE is now accepting calls for papers.

DeSForM, is a Design Conference that speaks to the notion that the nature of things, the essence of what a fabricated object is, was about to be, and really should be, completely and fundamentally questioned, re-defined, and exploded. 

We believe that our current conceptions need to be shattered once and for all so that we can be truly creative in how we contribute to the conceiving of the NEW THINGS.

DeSForM does this by inviting Creative people from very different practicing contexts and representing somewhat different aspects of the design disciplinary spectrum. If we succeed in accumulating the views and the abilities each brings in the conceiving of ideas and things, then surely the results would be very, very different, and might even be important in driving the practice and discipline of Design forward in some way.