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Managing Student Conduct

The University takes duty of care to our students, staff and stakeholders extremely seriously. The University is very clear on its expectations of its students in terms of their behaviour and integration in the wider community and the city and will consider disciplinary actions where students are unable to demonstrate the behaviours expected of the University community.

Northumbria students are responsible for conducting themselves respectfully in a manner which holds proper regard for the health, safety and wellbeing of others. The Student Charter and the Handbook of Student Regulations set out the expectations that apply to every student for the duration of their time at Northumbria. These documents also refer students to advice, support and penalties for anti-social behaviour.

Unacceptable Behaviours Policy and online tool

Our new  and  makes it easier for colleagues and students to seek support and/or report their concerns if they experience, or witness, unacceptable behaviour. The Policy and Portal were created in collaboration between the University, Students' Union and the Trade Unions. It has been piloted in recent months to support colleagues and students and manage any reported concerns.

Unacceptable behaviour is behaviour that undermines, humiliates, threatens or hurts and includes: bullying, discrimination, domestic violence, harassment, hate incidents, misogyny, sexual misconduct, abuse and violence, victimisation or violence of any nature. By identifying and calling out such behaviours, our aspiration is that everyone in our University Community can flourish professionally, academically and personally.

The Role of the Student Engagement Team

The University’s Student Engagement Team has responsibility for responding to reports of antisocial behaviour and noise nuisance by Northumbria students. The University will consider disciplinary actions where students are unable to demonstrate the behaviours expected of the University community as set out in our Antisocial behaviour protocol.

Support for Students

Independent advice and guidance on all matters relating to the ‘Handbook of Student Regulations’ is also available from the Students’ Union at su.enquiries@northumbria.ac.uk or on the

The University’s also provides a range for support which may be of benefit to students involved in these procedures. 

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