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Academic Engagement

Personal Tutoring

The  supports the NUS charter on Personal Tutors, and aims to clarify the distinctive role of the academic Personal Tutor at Northumbria. Beyond setting minimum standards, the Personal Tutoring Policy is not intended to be overly prescriptive and should be regarded as adaptable, in order to take advantage of local expertise and to build on existing good practice. The policy regarding student contact with personal tutors is available , and further information for ϲ staff can be found .


Educational Analytics

In 2018/19 academic year the University is piloting an Educational Analytics Programme; this allows the Student Progress Team, your personal tutor and programme leader to access useful information about your learning, your attendance, your use of the Blackboard online learning tool etc. Northumbria University is working in partnership with Civitas Learning to deliver Educational Analytics. All data is hosted within the EU. To view the University's policy on ethical data usage for Educational Analytics please click .


Student Attendance Monitoring

The University encourages students to attend classes and will monitor attendance in line with the As much as possible we will support students to attend, but in extreme cases students who do not attend may be asked to withdraw. 

Further information for ϲ staff can be found .


Student Change of Circumstances (ChoCS)

The University proactively and positively supports students who may need help deciding whether to take time out (interrupt studies), request to change programme (transfer), or leave the university (withdraw).  In line with the , the university will work with students, Programme Leaders, and key university services to provide comprehensive and tailored advice and support.  Further information for Northumbria University staff can be found .  Students can find out more via the Student Portal .


The Northumbria Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)

Here at ϲ we know that your HEAR can help you to showcase your achievements, both in terms of your academic success and successes outside the traditional academic environment.

We want Northumbria graduates to stand out from the crowd and be as attractive as possible to employers (see for our 'Graduate Characteristics'), and we believe that the Northumbria HEAR will help you with this. For further information on employability click here.

From the 2016/2017 academic year, you can activate your account with Gradintelligence from the beginning of your studies. Gradintelligence provides a secure web-based environment to host the Northumbria HEAR, which will support you in planning and reviewing your personal development and encourage extra-curricular engagement. Registration will also allow you to benefit from matching for placements, summer jobs, and graduate opportunities while you are studying at ϲ.

Find out more information, including how to generate your HEAR, by clicking here.

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