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DBS Policy and Procedures

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is an executive agency of the Home Office set up to help organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors including educational institutions identify candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work, especially that involving contact with children or other vulnerable members of society.  A DBS disclosure is an impartial and confidential document that details an individual's criminal record and, where appropriate, details of those who are banned from working with children.

In accordance with the University’s Safeguarding Policy, safe recruitment practices are in place to ensure all staff and students involved in regulated activity are subject to the appropriate DBS clearance.  This is a mandatory requirement for students whose studies, placement, research or volunteering activity involve such regulated activity.

If you have applied for a programme which you think requires a DBS check, or you have been invited to a DBS checking session, please see the DBS Information for Students and Applicants for more information, including the documents you will need to provide for identification purposes.

Admissions Policy
Please view the Admissions Policy and linked information for .

Fitness to Practice Standards
As per the Handbook of Student Regulations, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the University at the earliest possible opportunity of any criminal charge or conviction, or if they have contact with partner agencies with respect to safeguarding a child or adult, or they are implicated in harming someone else.

Contact Us
If you have a student query regarding the DBS procedure or your disclosure, please contact the

Applicant queries should be directed to: bc.applicantservices@northumbria.ac.uk

Staff DBS applications are administered by HR, line managers should refer to the DBS Risk Assessment tool available via the staff intranet.

More information can be found at

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