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Contextual Offers

2025/6 Contextual Offer Scheme 

What is a Contextual Offer?

A contextual offer means we look at you as a whole person—not just your grades. When you apply, our admissions team considers not only your academic achievements but also your background and personal circumstances.


We understand in some cases, that factors like social or financial challenges can affect your grades or prevent you from accessing work experience and joining extracurricular activities. By using a contextual approach, we look at the full picture of who you are and what you've achieved, then make an offer that reflects your potential.

What does a contextual offer look like?

If you are eligible for a contextual offer, you will be made a reduced UCAS tariff point offer which is 16 points less than our standard entry criteria. This typically equates to a two grade drop at A level or other common qualifications. You will receive an offer as below:

  • 128-point course > 112-point offer
  • 120-point course > 104-point offer 
  • 112-point course > 96-point offer 
  • 96 point course > 80- point offer
  • 80-point course > 64-point offer


The information we require is automatically provided on your application form in most cases

Our contextual offers are open to applicants studying Level 3 qualifications that attract UCAS tariff points, if you meet one of the below criteria:

You live in an area with low progression rates to University: You live in an area that has a low rate of progression to higher education according to POLAR4 data at the point of application. You will be eligible for a reduced offer if your postcode is identified as being in POLAR4 Quintile 1 or 2. We will use your home address on your UCAS application form to identify this, and you can check if your post code will qualify on .

You have spent time in care: You must complete the care questions in your UCAS form. If this is not also identified in your reference, we may ask you to provide evidence from your local authority, school or college or another relevant organisation.

Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic Origin: As an underrepresented group here at Northumbria, applicants from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic origin will be eligible for a contextual offer. 

As we do not receive this information from UCAS until later in the admissions cycle you will need to complete our to let us know you qualify for a reduced offer.

Free School Meals: If you're eligible for free school meals.

Adult Learners: If you are over 21 years of age at the start of your programme.

Unpaid Caring Responsibilities:
You have listed on your UCAS form that you have unpaid caring responsibilities (not including parenting); we may ask you to provide evidence.

Estranged from Parents: You are not in contact with or supported by parents

Physical and/or mental health condition, long term illness or learning difference 

If you have not received a reduced offer and you believe you are eligible, please complete our Contextual Offer Enquiry short form to let us know and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you do not qualify for a Contextual Offer you may still be eligible to join our supported entry scheme, Destination NU, which may allow you to gain some additional points to use at Northumbria.






To qualify for a contextual offer, you must also meet the following terms and conditions:

  • You must be eligible for home fees. 
  • You must apply through UCAS, and information must be entered on your UCAS application. 
  • A contextual offer cannot be used in conjunction with any reduced  offer obtained through our other Supported Entry Scheme or Extenuating Circumstances.
  • Other non-academic requirements such as Interview or Portfolio still apply.

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