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Arc Systems Information

Arc is a company which provides a number of placement systems used by the university, our students and our placement providers to manage and administer our nursing, midwifery, ODP, OT, physiotherapy, social work and education placements.

Students and placement providers interact with our Arc systems through purpose-built web-based interfaces; PEP is the primary web-based system, but it is also complemented by Arc Audit, Arc's Social Work Portal and Arc Web, used by our students to access their placement information.

Further information about the various systems and how they are accessed can be found below.

Please note that this information is intended for placement providers, PPFs and tutors only; students should refer to the 'Accessing Arc Web' section of this page.

To access Arc's online systems, please follow the link below. You will need your username (e-mail address) and Arc password to log-in.

Once you have logged in, you will see the screen below where you will be able to select the web-service you wish to access - depending on your level of access, you may only see some of the below options:

Single sign-on screenshot

  • Placements, Evaluations & TAPP - this will take you to Arc Web, the system our students and tutors use to view their (or their students') allocations. 
  • Host Profiles, Student Allocations & Mentors - this will take you to Arc PEP, the system our placement providers use to access allocations and update POLO information
  • Audit - this will take you to Arc's Audit system which is used by staff within our placement organisations to complete and review annual Educational Audits of Practice (EAPs).

Please find below a number of short 'how-to' guides which explain how to undertake the most common PEP actions:

We will add to the above list periodically - should you feel that a new how-to guide is required for a particular action, please let the Practice Placements Team know via our .


This section contains workbooks and manuals to support the use of Arc's web-based systems.


Should there be any known issues relating to ARC-PEP, ARC Audit Tool or the Social Work Profile System details will be shown below.
As updates are received and/or issues resolved, updated information will be added below, so please re-visit this section to check the status of an issue first.

ARC-PEP System

[March 2022; Adding/Updating CAPACITY information]
This function is currently not available but the issue is being discussed with ARC Technology.

[January 2022; ARC-PEP: Assigning Mentors to Students]
This function is not available at present but it is currently being dealt with by our software provider; ARC Technology.

ARC Audit Tool System
There are currently no known issues with this system.

Social Work Profile System
There are currently no known issues with this system


Once you have completed the workshop you can ‘’ using your student number and HCPC number. This will generate your log in details for the ARC system

This will allow you to see your student allocations, update your Profile Of Learning Opportunities (POLO) on ARC-PEP and review your student evaluations to quality assure your placements.

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