By combining work and study, apprentices will apply what has been learnt in the classroom to real-life situations in the workplace, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of the Quantity Surveyor.
Modules include:
- Digital Built Environment
- Construction Law
- Construction Technology
- Construction Economics
- Project Management
- Contract Administration and Procedure
Teaching methods are varied because they are designed to get the best out of each module. As well as traditional lectures and seminars, apprentices might take part in laboratory work, meet professional speakers, and undertake guided study sessions or self-directed independent learning.
Our assessment methods take the form of exams, research projects, reports, presentations, individual tasks, group work and project work. During the final year, apprentices will draw on the skills, knowledge and expertise which have been developed over the five year apprenticeship to complete a dissertation.
End Point Assessment
The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (2020) state that - Rigorous, robust and independent End Point Assessment (EPA) gives employers confidence that apprentices can actually perform in the occupation they have been trained in and can demonstrate the duties, and knowledge, skills and behaviours set out in the occupational standard. For details of the current EPA for your standard please consult the IFATE Apprenticeship standards / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education webpage .
This apprenticeship normally takes 5 years part-time, followed by the endpoint assessment which will typically be completed within 3-12 months. Full details are available on the IFATE website.
Full details on the modules for each year of the programme can be found below.